8 causes of depression in teenagers
Multiples Causes of depression in teenagersWhere the adolescent is exposed to many pressures, including body growth, and undergoes many hormonal changes, in addition to confronting society’s beliefs that adolescents do not suffer from psychological pressure as long as they do not bear any financial responsibility. [1]
These stresses lead to feelings of frustration and depression with a lack of interest in expensive activities to the point of affecting daily life. [1]
Learn in this article what are the causes of depression in teenagers and children, as well as the risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing depression.
Causes of depression in teenagers
There is no obvious reason for the injury depressedHowever, several factors are believed to play a role in the occurrence of depression.
We mention below Causes of depression in teenagers:
genetic factors
Genes may play a role in depression and that it runs in families, so a person may be more likely to develop depression if they have a family history of depression in a family member or close relative, especially a parent. [2] [3]
It should be noted that people who have a family history of depression does not necessarily mean that they will develop it. [2]
Hormonal changes and neurotransmitter imbalances
don’t come back The causes of depression in teenagers are purely psychological and moral factors. Hormonal changes that occur during adolescence and low levels of neurotransmitters in the brain related to mood and behavior, such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, may lead to depression. [3]
health conditions
may be from Causes of depression in teenagers There are other psychological problems, such as: [4]
The conflicts accompanying these situations may lead to teenage feelings of lack of self-confidence and frustration Causes of depression in teenagers Chronic illnesses or physical disabilities. [4]
Lack of self-confidence and self-loathing
One of the causes of depression in teenagers is the feeling of inferiority and lack of self-confidence, and this stems from several factors, such as: [5]
- A boy does not accept his body shape, especially if he is obese.
- Delay in school.
- suffering from personality disorders.
A teenager or child whose friends bully him for school may also increase the feeling of inferiority, in addition to this, neglect or psychological abuse lead to a lack of self-confidence.
Also read: Physical symptoms of depression
Exposure to psychological trauma
Many adolescents may experience trauma, such as physical or sexual abuse, neglect, psychological or verbal abuse, as well as distressing emotional events. Causes of sudden depression in teenagers. It is worth noting that depression may appear in some people as a result of exposure to trauma, even if it was mild. [1]
Trauma is also one of the most famous reasons Depression in childrenThey cannot cope with traumatic events, such as the death of a parent or abuse; Which leaves a lasting impression on them. [3]
Exposure to bullying may be one of the causes of depression among teenagers, since the development of a boy’s identity is influenced by his peers and his relationships with those around him, but exposure to bullying can unfortunately be a part of a boy’s daily life.
It is worth noting that the harms of bullying to teenagers are not limited to depression, but may lead to changes in brain development. [1]
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social media
Social media aims to bring people together and facilitate communication between friends, but it may have negative effects, especially on teenagers, and is even considered one Causes of depression in teenagers In some cases, when the adolescent compares himself to his friends in terms of appearance, abilities and the prestige of life; Which leads to dissatisfaction with his appearance and life and the desire to live at a level that exceeds his family’s abilities and potential, all these factors can cause depression. [4]
use drugs
longer than Causes of depression in young people and teenagers use drugs and alcohol, as it affects mood and leads to depression. [6]
Also read: What are the types of depression?