Does an obstruction of the fallopian tubes appear on ultrasound?
We would like to clarify and correct your details regarding the question of whether tubal blockage appears on ultrasound? Just follow the details of this article?
Does an obstruction of the fallopian tubes appear on ultrasound?
You may or may not think that a tubal blockage can show up on an ultrasound, but this belief is wrong, scientifically incorrect, and not applicable to all cases.
So the answer is, does a blocked fallopian tube show up on ultrasound? It is not in most cases, here are more details:,
- Conventional sonar that gives a two-dimensional (2D) image is unable to image or photograph the fallopian tubes if they are in their normal position and open or closed.
- A normal ultrasound shows a blockage in the fallopian tubes resulting from a condition called hydrosalpinx, which is a blockage in the fallopian tubes due to the filling of the fallopian tubes with fluid and the expansion of the ends of the fallopian tubes in the fallopian tube.,
- In other cases, the doctor will order a dedicated ultrasound test known as hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography-HyCoSy, which allows the doctor to identify if the tubes are open or blocked for any reason.
Other methods to diagnose tubal blockage?
After we know the details of the answer, does the blockage of the fallopian tube appear on ultrasound?, we will mention some additional diagnostic methods that reveal the blockage of the fallopian tubes as follows:
1. X-ray examination
An X-ray test or hysterosalpingogram, where the doctor injects a harmless dye into the uterus to flow into the fallopian tubes, this dye is visible on the X-rays.
If the injected dye is unable to flow into the tubules, this indicates a blockage.,
2. Endoscopy
If the doctor is unable to diagnose the blockage using an X-ray, he uses endoscopy through the abdomen by making a small incision in the body to insert the endoscope attached to a camera that gives a clear picture of the inside of the fallopian tube.
In cases where the doctor manages to identify the presence of the blockage through endoscopy, he will remove the cause of the blockage if possible.
This method is the most accurate way to find out the obstruction of the fallopian tube, but is not recommended in the initial diagnosis stage so that the patient is not exposed to major medical procedures in the first place.
3. Medical history
Sometimes a doctor will be able to build a possible diagnosis based on the patient’s health history if she has had previous appendicitis, or if she is having trouble conceiving, indicating an early diagnosis of an obstruction.,
Complications of tubal obstruction
After they knew the answer, does the blockage of the fallopian tube appear on the ultrasound? And other important details regarding the diagnosis, we note the necessity of diagnosing each patient to prevent future complications.
Ectopic pregnancy is the most common complication that occurs to the patient if the obstruction is not treated; This is due to the inability of a fertilized egg to pass due to a blockage, a medical condition that requires immediate medical intervention.
But sometimes surgery in which part of the fallopian tube is removed causes an ectopic pregnancy, so doctors recommend an IVF pregnancy to avoid future complications. ,