GERD and shortness of breath: learn the connection between them
In many cases, it is related to GERD and shortness of breath each other, and each of them is a risk factor for the other. [1]
This article explains the relationship between GERD, shortness of breath, and other breathing problems.
The relationship between GERD and shortness of breath
Costs Gastroesophageal reflux disease The risk of developing shortness of breath is mainly due to its role in causing asthma, but it may also cause shortness of breath in people without asthma. Below we will explain the relationship between GERD and shortness of breath In asthmatic and non-asthmatic patients: [1]
GERD and shortness of breath in asthmatic patients
Asthma patients are more likely to develop GERD, however, GERD patients are more likely to have asthma or an exacerbation of the disease asthma They have it in case they had it before. However, despite this close connection between the two diseases, the exact reason behind it is still not clear or certain. [1][3]
Possible explanations include approx The relationship between GERD and shortness of breath Asthma patients have: [1][3]
- can cause Acid reflux from the stomach to the esophagus to produce a nervous response that includes sending warning signals to the brain, and as a result Narrowing of the airwaysthereby triggering asthma symptoms, incl heavy breathing.
- Symptoms associated with an asthma attack, such as cough upNarrowing of the airways and difference in surrounding pressure esophageal septum Responsible for preventing reflux of stomach acid and its contents in a reversible manner, thus triggering GERD and acid reflux.
In some cases, it is not possible to determine whether GERD is a cause or effect in patients with asthma. However, some medical opinions suggest that GERD may be one of the reasons for developing asthma for the first time or for worsening of its symptoms, especially in the following cases: [3]
- Asthma first begins in adolescence.
- Asthma symptoms worsen after eating, lying down, at night or after physical exertion.
- No improvement in asthma symptoms is noticed despite taking regular asthma medications.
GERD and dyspnea for non-asthmatic patients
When stomach acid or stomach contents reflux into the esophagus and even into the throat, it can cause irritation or swelling of the throat and lung airways, which can lead to upper airway problems, which in turn cause shortness of breath or other breathing difficulties. . [1][2]
Examples of breathing problems that can occur as a result of GERD include: [1][2]
- PneumoniaWhich may lead to inflammation or narrowing of the airways, thus suffering from shortness of breath.
- Upper respiratory tract irritation, including the airways in the lungs, throat, and nose, which may cause swelling of the airways, coughing or postnasal drip, and chest congestion with excess mucus. All this, it may cause Shortness of breath.
Also read: Causes of gastroesophageal reflux disease
Nausea when smelling or looking at food, sometimes vomiting, lack of appetite, sometimes hunger and strange movements in the stomach.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease and shortness of breath
Making some changes to your diet and lifestyle can help Treatment of GERD symptoms and shortness of breath. Here are some of the following recommended changes: [2][3]
- Eat small meals throughout the day, rather than large main meals.
- to avoid Eat food and snacks before bed or lie down for at least 3 hours.
- Lose weight if you are obese or overweight.
- Sleep in the overall position Head slightly raised than the rest of the body, to reduce the risk of acid reflux during sleep.
- Stop smoking and alcohol if consumed.
- Avoid triggers Food or exercise that increases the risk of GERD symptoms and shortness of breath. Triggers can vary from person to person.
- Take over-the-counter medications for acid reflux, such as antacids.
- Adherence to asthma medication in case of infection, or referral to a doctor if asthma is suspected.
- Talk to your doctor about other treatment options available, including prescription medications to treat shortness of breath with GERD or vice versa.
When should you consult a doctor?
It is recommended that all people who notice any of the symptoms of GERD or shortness of breath consult a doctor to diagnose the cause of these symptoms, and receive medical advice to control it. [1][2]
As it should in case of aggravation GERD and shortness of breath Gradually or suddenly, or in case of new accompanying symptoms, by communicating with the doctor, in order to avoid complications of GERD and more serious respiratory diseases, such as: [1]
- Narrowing of the esophagus.
- Barrett’s esophagus.
- Pneumonia.
Learn more: Complications of GERD
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