Is there a cure for testicular cancer? how long does it take?
The testicular cancer remained on the rarity of A threat to the lives of patients, in particular If it spreads to other members Close, in addition to what it represents from him A threat to male fertility and infertility.
There is always hope that testicular cancer It is possible to heal and heal To a very large extent, we will cover in the following lines how Testicular cancer treatment without surgeryAnd what are the best ways to get rid of it?
Chemotherapy for testicular cancer
Chemotherapy is used to get rid of cancer cells And to prevent its growth, treatment is given Testicular cancer By injecting directly into a vein, with the bloodstream, it reaches everyone Cancer cells inside the body
Chemotherapy can be taken by Oral in many types of cancerBut the method should not be used with testicular cancer intravenous injection.
Testicular cancer patient About 3 weeks In one course of treatment, it is often necessary to treat testicular cancer 4 courses At most, the number of treatment cycles depends on the stage of the cancer.
Below is a group of drugs used in Chemotherapy for testicular cancer:
Chemotherapy is coming Excellent results with testicular cancerBut some appear Side effects of chemotherapy The most famous of them are:
- tired.
- nausea.
- numbness Tingling in the hands and legs
- hum in the ear
The side effects usually go away on their own after the course of treatment. [1] [2] [3] [4]
for more: Chemotherapy: myths and false beliefs
Radiation therapy for testicular cancer
He approves Radiation therapy for testicular cancer on directing High energy X-ray Towards cancer cells and their destruction, a testicular cancer patient is treated according to a set schedule by the attending physician.
Radiation therapy is the most common treatment for testicular cancer Radiation therapy from a machine outside the bodyDirects radiation to the lymph nodes in the patient’s abdomen in the first and second stageThen begins to direct radiation to Lymph nodes in the pelvis in the same direction you are Cancerous testicle.
Doctors are calling now chemotherapy or monitoring for the treatment of testicular cancer in its early stages, Radiotherapy treatment was refused Because of some of its serious side effects.
Below are some of the side effects of Radiation therapy for testicular cancer:
Radiation therapy increases the risk of Secondary incidence of cancer Later, this increases the chance of injury heart diseaseand the digestive system. [1] [2] [3] [4]
for more: The difference between radiotherapy and chemotherapy
This is the report on my father’s tumor. Is it possible to tell if the tumor is healthy or not?
Treatment of testicular cancer with drugs
It is considered Treatment of testicular cancer with drugs One of the ways to do this Treatment of the effects of testicular cancer It does not treat the cancer itself, the testicular cancer causes the problem fertility Because of the lack of sperm, this problem can be controlled with drugs, we will explain one of these methods below, which is alternative treatment testosterone.
As a result of Testosterone deficiency Some common symptoms include:
Testosterone replacement is given in several forms, including: Direct injection, skin patch or gel Painted on the skin, gives testosterone replacement therapy the ability erection Again in March, the libido gradually increased.
show some Side effects when injecting testosterone replacement In the body, we explain some of these side effects below:
- swell and swelling of the breast in a big way
- Pay attention to the increase in the secretion of oil from the skin, and the appearance of Young love.
- Frequent need to urinate, or problems urinating due to Enlarged prostate gland. [2]
for more: Treatment of testosterone deficiency with the help of herbs and nutrition
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