Almond flour, its nutritional value and potential harm

Almond flour, its nutritional value and potential harm

recently spread use almond flour Instead of regular wheat flour, it is one of the main ingredients of many low-carb diets, so it can help with weight loss and diabetes control.

What is meant by almond flour? How do you prepare it? What are its uses and health benefits? Does it have possible damages? We answer all of this in the following article that contains all the important information about almond flour

What is almond flour?

This almond flour This is one of the healthy alternatives to wheat flour, which is obtained by grinding tonsils. could be of use almond flour In order to prepare bread and other types of pastries, cakes and biscuits, it can also be used when cooking any of the food dishes to which flour must be added. [1،2]

containing almond flour It contains many vitamins and nutrients, and is also characterized by the fact that it does not contain gluten, so it is suitable for patients who suffer from health problems as a result of eating gluten. [2،3]

There are many brands in the market for almond flour Which one can be bought to enjoy it Benefits of almond flour health. [1]

What is the difference between almond flour and almond meal?

Some will call almond flour The name of the almond meal (in English: Almond Meal) is believed to be the same, but you must distinguish between them and pay attention to both terms when you want to buy almond flour [2،3]

almond flour It is prepared from peeled almonds, while almond meal is prepared from whole almonds with their outer shell. They can be distinguished by the fact that Fine almond flour Although almond flour is rough to the touch and has grains, which can affect the texture of the dough made from it. [3-5]

Also read: almond milk

How do you make almond flour?

instead of buying ready almond flour, You can make it at home, by:

  • Boil the almonds in boiling water until the shells float to the surface of the water.
  • Remove the skins of the almonds.
  • Leave the peeled almonds until they cool and dry.
  • Grind the almonds into a fine powder, using a blender or food processor.
  • to sift almond flour to remove lumps or large pieces in it. [1،3،5]

You should avoid grinding the almonds for a long time, as this will create almond butter and not almond flour. [5]

What is the nutritional value of almond flour?

containing almond flour It contains many nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. The following table shows Nutritional value of almond flour: [1،4]

nutritional element How much does 28 grams of almond flour contain?
carbohydrates 5.6 grams
proteins 6.1 grams
Fats 14.2 grams, of which about 9 grams are monounsaturated fats
fiber 3 grams
Vitamin E 35% of the body’s daily needs
magnesium 19% of the body’s daily needs
manganese 31% of the body’s daily needs
phosphoric 13% of the body’s daily needs
copper 16% of the body’s daily needs

Also, contains almond flour It contains calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, vitamin B3 and folic acid. [1،2]

How many calories are in almond flour?

This Calories in almond flour It is relatively small, since 28 grams of almond flour provide the body with 163 calories. However, it is about 50% higher than the calories found in wheat flour almond flour It contains less carbohydrates, but it is rich in fats. [1،4]

Also, prepare almond flour of low food The glycemic indexWhen it has a glycemic index value of less than 1, while its value for wheat flour is 71. [5]

What are the benefits and uses of almond flour?

Maybe Use of almond flour It has many health benefits, including:

  • to use Almond flour for diabetics, Because it is low in carbohydrates and has a low glycemic index.
  • guarantee dAlmonds on a keto diet This is because it contains a small amount of carbohydrates and is high in fat.
  • Keeping the heart and arteries healthy, it helps to reduce harmful cholesterol, increase good cholesterol, and control blood pressure.
  • to use almond flour for the skin, It contains vitamin E, which is important for healthy skin.
  • Maintaining brain health and preventing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, as it contains many antioxidant compounds.
  • Keeping the digestive system healthy, it is rich in fiber.
  • to use almond flour For patients with wheat allergy or Celiac DiseaseIt is gluten free. [1،3،4]

Also read: What are the benefits of a keto diet and how can you follow it?

Is it possible to knead with almond flour?

Yes, where possible Use of almond flour instead of wheat flour to make each dough, in a ratio of one to one. However, it should be noted that baked goods are made from almond flour They are not soft and spongy, as is the case with those made from wheat flour. [1،2]

Healthy recipes using almond flour

Examples of healthy recipes that can be prepared using Almond flour:

  • Make banana bread using almond flour
  • Prepare different types of cookies.
  • addition almond flour for meatballs
  • making pasta.
  • Make all kinds of pancakes.
  • addition almond flour Homemade protein shake.
  • Cover chicken and fish pieces almond flour to get the crispy look. [1،3،4]

Also read:

What is the method of storing almond flour?

It is recommended to save almond flour in the refrigerator, as this increases its shelf life, but it should be noted that the shelf life almond flour Much less than wheat flour, so it is always recommended to prepare or buy small amounts of it that are enough for a few days. Can also be frozen almond flour for 6 – 9 months. [1،2،5]

What are the side effects of almond flour?

It is considered almond flour Safe for most people, but it can be associated with some risks and negative effects, including:

Even though almond flour It contains small amounts of carbohydrates, but excessive consumption can cause weight gain, as it is full of calories as a result of containing a relatively high percentage of carbohydrates. Fats. [1،3]

That’s why you should be careful to eat moderate amounts of it, which does not exceed a quarter of a cup a day. [1]

considered as sensitivity Almonds are one of the most common food allergies, which can cause exaggerated and life-threatening symptoms. So you should avoid eating almond flour If you are allergic to almonds. It should also be noted that people with a peanut allergy can also suffer from an almond allergy. [5]

Body mass index calculator

BMI lower than 18.5 under normal weight
BMI greater than or equal to 18.5 and less than 25 within normal weight
BMI greater than or equal to 25 and less than 30 higher than normal weight
BMI greater than or equal to 30 and less than 35 first degree obesity (moderate)
BMI greater than or equal to 35 and less than 40 Second degree obesity (moderate)
BMI greater than or equal to 40 Third degree obesity (excessive)

ready almond flour One of the healthiest alternatives to wheat flour, but it is richer in fat and calories. can buy almond flour From the supermarket you can easily make it at home as well.

Also read: Benefits of almond oil and ways to use almond oil at home

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