Benefits of anise for breast enlargement – Web Medicine
Anise (anise) is one of the oldest spices known, and it offers many benefits to the body, such as: it has an estrogen-like effect, reduces swelling and helps fight insects, but what is the truth about Anise benefits for breast enlargement? Details in the following article:
The benefits of anise for breast enlargement: what is the truth?
Breast size depends mainly on genetic factors, but certain drugs containing estrogen may lead to breast enlargement, while herbs such as anise, massage techniques and exercises to increase breast size, there is no scientific proof of this, although certain herbs affect hormone levels so estrogen may increase breast size .
Based on the above, the benefits of anise for breast enlargement are possible, but there is no scientific proof about it, and one of the studies done in 1980 and published in the Journal of Pharmacology showed that the use of anise increases estrogen levels, thus it may affect the size of the breast.
It is worth noting that anise offers additional benefits to shad, which is an increase in milk production for lactating women.,
The use of anise for breast enlargement
As we mentioned earlier, the benefits of anise for breast enlargement still need more research to confirm it, but you can benefit from these benefits in one of the following ways:,
- Anise can be taken as a dietary supplement.
- Anise tea can be drunk daily.
- Anise oil can be used for breast massage, as it is believed that a combination of anise oil, massage techniques and breast enlargement exercises play a role in breast enlargement.
Is there any potential harm to anise?
Most can consume anise without experiencing side effects, but some may have an allergic reaction, especially if they are allergic to other plants of the same family, such as: fennel, celery, parsley or dill.
As a result of anise’s role in increasing estrogen levels, it may cause worsening of the symptoms of certain conditions, such as: breast cancer and endometriosis.
Other natural ways to increase breast size
The benefits of anise for breast enlargement still need more research, as well as other natural methods, they need more research, but we will present some of them as follows:
- licorice: Licorice may help increase breast size, since according to the National Institute of Health it helps increase estrogen levels, a hormone that improves female sexual characteristics, such as: breast tissue.
- Guard: The Journal of Pharmacology showed that fennel has effects similar to those of estrogen, making it play a role in increasing breast size and increasing milk production.
- massage: It is believed that massaging the breasts in circular motions thirty-six times upon awakening and the same during sleep helps to improve the blood circulation of the breast, which is manifested in increasing the size of the breasts. The oils of the previous ingredients can be used during massage.