Causes of hemorrhoids and factors that increase the risk of developing them

Causes of hemorrhoids and factors that increase the risk of developing them

Hemorrhoids are one of the disturbing diseases of man, because of the pain, itching and irritation in the anus and anus area. This can help determine Causes internal and external hemorrhoids Very effective in preventing infection and aggravation of symptoms in the patient. [1]

learn about All causes of internal and external hemorrhoids Possible, whether the hemorrhoids are hereditary or not.

Why do hemorrhoids occur?

Appear hemorrhoids As a result of dilation and swelling of the veins in the rectum and anus, after the lower colon is subjected to stress and pressure, stress and pressure cause an increase in blood flow through the veins in the lower colon. , which causes them to swell abnormally. [1،2]

Therefore, if causes hemorrhoids It includes all the factors and factors that increase the stress and pressure on the lower abdomen and large intestine. [1،2]

causes external and internal hemorrhoids

We will mention below Causes of external and internal hemorrhoids:

  • Chronic colon disease

The most important of which is diarrhea or Chronic constipationBoth can cause permanent inflammation in the tissues of the anus and rectum. Also, during constipation, the individual will tighten and press in order to move the stool and facilitate the process of defecation, this causes an increase in pressure on the walls of the blood vessels, which ends with the person having hemorrhoids. [2،3]

Among the colon diseases that can be considered as causes hemorrhoids So are inflammatory bowel diseases, including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. [2]

  • Efforts and efforts when defecating

Straining during the defecation process may cause a sudden increase in blood pressure in the connective tissues and smooth muscles inside the large intestine, which leads to the slipping of the blood vessels from these muscles and the ligaments designed to hold them in place. [2]

  • Sitting on the toilet for a long time

It could be from causes hemorrhoids Because it causes the walls of blood vessels in the large intestine to tighten, causing them to swell and expand. [2،3]

Also read: Symptoms of hemorrhoids in women and men, what are they?

Factor obesity By increasing the pressure on the pelvic floor muscles, which also affects the lower colon. [2،3]

  • lifting heavy weights

Maybe Causes hemorrhoids It is the repeated lifting of heavy objects that causes pressure on the large intestine area. [3،4]

What explains the common phenomenon of hemorrhoids in pregnant women is the increase in the size of the child, which causes an increase in the pressure of the uterus on the inferior vena cava, which leads to the expansion of the veins in the lower area of ​​the uterus. stomach, including those inside the large intestine. [2]

Also, hormonal changes during pregnancy may cause expansion and dilation of blood vessels in the large intestine. [2،3]

  • Other causes of hemorrhoids

can include Causes internal and external hemorrhoids Also the following:

    • exercise anal sex.
    • Fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity.
    • Prolapse of the anus.
    • birth. [1،2،4]

Also read:

Factors that increase the risk of hemorrhoids

In addition to causes hemorrhoids As mentioned earlier, there are several factors that increase a person’s risk of hemorrhoids, including:

  • Old age, and this explains the frequency of hemorrhoids in people over 50 at a higher rate compared to individuals younger than them.
  • Not eating the right amount of fiber daily, especially if the amount consumed is less than 30 grams per day.
  • Not drinking a lot of water, as this can cause constipation.
  • Lack of regular physical activity, as this may affect bowel movements and the ability to contract her muscles. [1،2،4]

Also read: External hemorrhoids between danger and treatment

Are hemorrhoids hereditary?

Heredity can play a role in hemorrhoids, as having one family member increases the risk of developing hemorrhoids in everyone else in the family. However, the nature of the relationship between heredity and hemorrhoids is still unknown. [1،2]

However, it may occur as a result of a defect in the genes responsible for the production of collagen, which is important for the strength of the muscles and tissues of the pelvis, or the genes for the valves located within the veins of the large intestine. [2]

I have pain in my anus and for a few days I used to bleed with my stool, but now I don’t, only pain like tingling, burning and little discharge what is the reason?

Multiples causes hemorrhoids in children and adults, But most of them are related to increased pressure on the lower colon, which causes the veins in the rectum and anus to dilate, thus causing hemorrhoids.

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