Does healing hurt? Here is the answer

Does healing hurt? Here is the answer

Surgery scraping This is a simple surgical procedure that involves dilating or opening the cervix. After the cervix is ​​dilated, the doctor will use a specific spoon-like instrument called a scraper to remove tissue from the lining of the uterus.,

But the concern for women is usually is the medical process painful?

Does healing hurt?

In general, we can answer your question: Does healing hurt? In short, no, because the specialist doctor will perform this procedure and the injured person is under local anesthesia, which means that she will only feel a pinch and a pinch in the injection area.

After numbing the cervix, the woman will not feel any pain during the procedure, but it may cause her to feel discomfort like other minor injuries.

For example, back pain and cramps are similar to period pain, especially when the doctor removes the lining with a scraper.

In addition to suffering from the exit of some of them Blood clots A little bleeding from the vagina, especially in the first few days, may last for several weeks from the date of surgery, so there is no need to worry or fear it.,

However, there are cases that may cause persistent pain after the medical procedure, including:,

  1. The presence of a specific injury in the surgical area.
  2. Presence of swelling at the surgical site.

What are the risks and harms of healing?

After answering the question does the medicine hurt? Now it is necessary to talk about the health risks and damages in performing this type of surgery, which may sometimes occur.

Among the most important complications are the following:,

  • Uterine perforation, a small tear in the uterus caused by the scraping tool that passes through the uterine wall during this procedure.
  • Uterine infection.
  • bleeding out Acute in uterine region;
  • suffer from Asherman’s syndrome, which appears as a result of the formation of adhesions or groups of scar tissue in the uterus, as this condition is caused; A change in the menstrual cycle, or even infertility.

When should you see a doctor?

After answering your question, is the curettage process painful? Below are the following cases in which you should contact your doctor immediately if you suffer from one of them:

  • Bleeding so bad that you need to change sanitary napkins at least every hour.
  • A constant feeling of dizziness and vertigo.
  • Heat.
  • Severe and persistent contractions for more than 48 hours.
  • Pain that increases over time instead of recovering from it.
  • Foul-smelling discharge from the vagina.

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