Is it possible to get pregnant after tubal ligation?

Is it possible to get pregnant after tubal ligation?

Many women have the surgery ligation of the fallopian tube which blocks the canal to prevent future pregnancy, and many resort to it; Because it is permanent and convenient, but is it possible to get pregnant after tubal ligation? Find out the answer below:,

Is it possible to get pregnant after tubal ligation?

During tubal ligation, the tube is tied, cut, or closed, but tubal ligation can lead to future pregnancy, especially if both tubes grow after surgery.

The chance of pregnancy increases as the woman is younger, in the following rates:

  • 5% for women under 28 years old.
  • 2% for women aged 28-33 years.
  • 1% for those over 34.

Unfortunately, if pregnancy occurs, the chance of an ectopic pregnancy increases, and this is one of the emergencies that must be detected and treated.,

But it can happen that a woman discovers after tying the canal that she has already been pregnant before, so women resort to tying the canal immediately after giving birth or after menstruation, where the risk of pregnancy is lower.,

Sometimes the surgeon may make a mistake in tying the fallopian tube, and this makes the possibility of pregnancy greater after the operation, thus answering the question: Is it possible to get pregnant after tying the fallopian tube?,

Pregnancy symptoms after tubal ligation

Although pregnancy is rare after tubal ligation, it is possible, as we explained earlier, and the symptoms that may appear are these:

  • Absence of menstruation.
  • Chest sensitivity to touch.
  • nausea;
  • Increased appetite for certain foods, and loss of appetite for other foods.
  • unexplained fatigue.
  • Constant urination.

We also said that the chance of an ectopic pregnancy may increase, for this reason you should pay attention to any of the following symptoms that indicate an ectopic pregnancy:

  1. Unusual light bleeding or brown spotting after a positive pregnancy test.
  2. Vaginal bleeding that occurs outside of menstrual periods.
  3. Sharp pain in the lower abdomen.
  4. Lower back pain.
  5. pelvic pain.
  6. A feeling of pressure in the pelvic area while defecating.

Medical solutions are available

If the doctor is not sure that tubal ligation will be effective in preventing pregnancy if the procedure is performed at a young age, or if it has been performed for a long time, other birth control plans will be offered, such as: vasectomy or so-called male sterilization or the use of a condom. ,

Symptoms that require a doctor’s visit

Talking about is it possible to get pregnant after tubal ligation? There are some emergency symptoms that, as soon as you notice them, you should go to the emergency room, which are as follows:,

  • Vaginal bleeding sharp.
  • Severe abdominal or pelvic pain.
  • unconsciousness
  • Pain in the left shoulder.
  • Feeling a slight headache.

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