Learn about external hemorrhoids symptoms here
External hemorrhoids appear in the area around the anus, and external hemorrhoids cause the patient many unpleasant symptoms, which can be easily noticed by the patient.
This article discusses everything related to the subject Symptoms of external hemorrhoids in adults and children.
What are the symptoms of external hemorrhoids?
can change Symptoms of external hemorrhoids Depending on the severity of the disease, its severity can range from mild to severe, and external hemorrhoids may not cause any symptoms in some cases. [1-3]
We will mention below External hemorrhoids symptoms What the patient may suffer from:
Hemorrhoids can cause Pain in the anus or anusIn the anus area there are many nerve endings which are stimulated as a result of pressure on the swollen veins, causing pain in the area. [1،4]
Pain is considered m early symptoms of external hemorrhoids, This occurs within 24 to 48 hours of the appearance of an external hemorrhoid in the rectal area. [1-3]
The severity of hemorrhoid pain usually increases when the person sits, and hemorrhoid pain can appear suddenly and sharply as a result of the formation of a blood clot inside the external hemorrhoid, a condition known as thrombotic hemorrhoid. [1،3]
- Lump in the anus area
A patient with external hemorrhoids may feel the presence of one or more soft lumps when touching the area around the anus, which can be small in size and usually appear blue, but can sometimes be black or brown. [1،2]
- Frequent need to defecate
The presence of a lump in the rectal area may cause the patient to feel full in the rectal area, which causes a constant need to defecate all the time, despite the fact that the bowel is empty or the patient has defecated recently. [3]
M Symptoms of external hemorrhoids The second is the feeling Itching in the anus area Which can be very annoying, since external hemorrhoids cause irritation in the rectal area, causing the patient to itch and scratch in order to reduce the feeling of discomfort in the area. [1،4]
- Bleeding from the anal area
External hemorrhoids can cause bleeding from the rectal area, which appears especially at the entrance to the bathroom, where the patient notices blood on the surface of the stool, inside the toilet or on the toilet paper. [1،2]
and occur anal bleeding As a result of the friction of the stool with the hemorrhoid, which causes blood to come out of it, therefore the color of the blood is often bright red, which can be distinguished from any bleeding resulting from a health problem in the digestive system. [2].
- Mucus in stool
The presence of mucus in the stool can indicate that the patient has external hemorrhoids. [3]
Also read: Easily treat external hemorrhoids
How long do the symptoms of external hemorrhoids last?
This Symptoms of external hemorrhoids This usually lasts for a few days, as hemorrhoids are usually reabsorbed by the body gradually, therefore, the patient will not need any treatment to remove external hemorrhoids, but will require several measures that help Reducing the symptoms of external hemorrhoids until it goes away by itself. [1،4]
Is there a characteristic of symptoms of external hemorrhoids?
Not unfortunately, since Symptoms of external hemorrhoids It shares many symptoms caused by other health problems that affect the digestive system, so it is always recommended to see a doctor if the symptoms are severe or last for a long time. [3]
The doctor will perform several imaging tests and a vision for hearts and the anus in order to determine the incidence of external hemorrhoids or other diseases of the digestive system. [1،2]
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How do you relieve the symptoms of external hemorrhoids?
One way you can help make it easier Symptoms of external hemorrhoids in women and men:
- Eat foods rich in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
- drink a lot of water.
- Avoid pulling and straining when going to the bathroom.
- Put cold water compresses on the external hemorrhoid.
- Sit in a hot water bath.
- Using several ointments and creams that help relieve pain, swelling or itching caused by external hemorrhoids. [1،4]
I suffer from pain in my lower back that sometimes reaches the anus, and I feel relief mainly after defecating, knowing that sometimes I have difficulty defecating completely, but it is intermittent and a bit soft, and the stool analysis. He is healthy, only has digestive problems and no anemia. This is the cause of pain and discomfort
Multiples Symptoms and signs of external hemorrhoids in women and men, But most of them are not specific to this problem, as they share Symptoms of external hemorrhoids With many diseases and health problems affecting the digestive system.
Also read: External hemorrhoids between danger and treatment