The benefits of anise for your health and peace of mind

The benefits of anise for your health and peace of mind

There are many benefits of anise that benefit human health and treat various medical problems. Among these benefits you can find the following benefits:

1. Promoting the health of the digestive system

One of the benefits of anise is its importance especially for the digestive system, especially in the following aspects:

  • Promote digestion: Eating anise contributes to promoting digestion and softening the stomach, and boiled anise seeds have been used since ancient times after eating a heavy meal to aid digestion.
  • Treatment of constipation: Anise and its oil have laxative properties, it is a natural laxative that contributes to the treatment and prevention of constipation and also helps in the treatment of digestive disorders and getting rid of gas.
  • Outgassing: Anise has an effective role in expelling gas, as failure to treat the gas problem causes the development of diseases in the long term, such as: stomach aches, strong chest pains and muscle spasms.

2. Improve appetite

One of the benefits of anise is that it may increase appetite by stimulating the secretion of digestive enzymes in the stomach, which helps promote digestion and increase appetite.

3. Promoting respiratory health

It has been found that drinking boiled anise seeds helps in the treatment of asthma and various respiratory problems, and helps in reducing congestion in the respiratory tract and in the treatment of bronchial infections, therefore it has anti-cold, phlegm and cough effects.

4. General disinfectant and insecticide

Anise and anise essential oil contain substances with antiseptic properties that can be used to disinfect wounds, prevent them from becoming infected or infected and help speed up the healing process.

Another different benefit of anise is its ability to kill certain types of insects such as lice, once it is applied to the scalp.

5. Treatment of spasms and cramps

Eating anise in certain health conditions, such as: irritable bowel syndrome, epilepsy or cough, helps relieve spasms, contractions and accompanying nerve pain, as it helps to relax the muscles, nerves and blood vessels responsible for these spasms.

6. Relieves pain and helps relaxation

It was found that anise has pain-relieving properties and calms the nerves and removes tension, anxiety and nerve pain, and also fights depression, stress and anger.

It has also been found that applying anise oil to the forehead may contribute to the treatment of headaches and migraines.

7. Treats sleep disorders

Because of the calming and relaxing role of anise and its effectiveness in helping to relax, it is considered a remedy for sleep problems and disorders, and an aid in the treatment of insomnia.

However, taking it in large doses can have a negative effect on it and act as a narcotic substance, while drinking it in a small amount may contribute to it being a nerve stimulant, so it is better to drink it in moderation when the goal is to treat problems with sleep disorders. and insomnia.

8. It is useful for children

Giving anise to a baby in reasonable amounts helps in calming the intestinal spasms that babies suffer from, and helps in the treatment of some digestive and respiratory problems, and it also acts as a gas repellant.

Although there are benefits of anise, caution should be taken when giving it to children, especially since so far there are no studies showing the scope of the allowed amount especially for children.

9. Treats menstrual problems

Since anise has an estrogen-like effect in the body, it may be useful in treating period pain, relieving its symptoms and the spasms and cramps that result from it.

10. Useful for breastfeeding

Some doctors may recommend taking anise as a way to increase breast milk production in nursing mothers, as it helps calm nursing mothers, which may improve the breastfeeding process.

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