The course after medicine: everything that matters to you

The course after medicine: everything that matters to you

cushioning or expansion and healing (expansion and scrapingThis is a procedure in which the cervix is ​​dilated to scrape the lining of the uterus with an instrument to remove abnormal tissue. This operation is performed after a natural abortion or for the diagnosis and treatment of various uterine problems. When does the period come after the cutting process? How is his nature?

When does the period come after the medicine?

In fact, it is difficult to predict when your period will arrive after the treatment, on average it can be between two and six weeks after the procedure, and the time will vary from woman to woman.

If a woman miscarries, her hormone levels must return to normal before her period returns. Below are several factors that affect the return of the period after the medicine:

1. The nature of the menstrual cycle

If your period was irregular before the medical procedure, it may take more than six weeks for your period to return after the procedure.

2. Gestational age before abortion

The gestational age at the time of the abortion affects how close the period is after the scraping, since the hormones return to normal more quickly in cases of early abortion.,

What is the nature of the menstrual cycle after healing?

After explaining when the period returns after the healing, it is necessary to clarify the nature of the menstrual cycle after the operation, since according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the uterus will have a new tissue lining after the healing, therefore the bleeding of the next period may be heavier than usual with slightly increased blood clotting during the period The first or second of the cycle.,

When can pregnancy after healing?

Most doctors recommend waiting until the body fully recovers and is ready for pregnancy after undergoing the medical procedure, so women should refrain from having sex for at least 4 weeks, although it takes longer for the body to fully recover.

In general, it is recommended for women to wait at least 3 menstrual cycles after surgery, and before trying to get pregnant again, since the waiting period allows the endometrium to rebuild in order to support pregnancy, and doctors may advise to wait. for a longer or shorter time.

Does medicine affect the next pregnancy?

In general, healing does not affect the ability to become pregnant in the future. A study found that 90% of women who had a D&C were pregnant within a year of starting to try again.

However, it is worth noting that in rare cases a woman may develop uterine adhesions, or scar tissue inside the uterus with what is known as Asherman’s syndrome after surgery, and this may affect the ability to conceive.,

When should you go to the doctor?

You should visit your doctor if you experience the following symptoms after the medicine:

  • Dizziness or fainting.
  • high temperature.
  • Heavy bleeding or prolonged bleeding for more than two weeks.
  • Severe cramps and abdominal pain.
  • Smelly vaginal discharge.

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