The natural birth method without stitches

The natural birth method without stitches

The pregnant woman does not want to resort to sewing for a while Natural birth And you try in several ways to avoid it. Learn about the natural birthing method without sewing as follows:

The natural birth method without stitches

Sometimes stitches may be better for the mother’s health, although she tried not to use it, the stitching is between the vagina and the perineum, that is, in the area where there were tears during the birth.

But there are some methods that are recommended to practice in order to avoid them, the following is the natural birth method without sewing as follows:

1. Use warm compresses

Applying warm compresses to the perineum during the second stage of labor can greatly reduce the risk of third and fourth degree tears.

2. Willingness to pay

In the second stage of birth, which is the pushing stage, the purpose of which is to be under the mother’s control, the baby can be pushed out gently and slowly to give room for the tissues to stretch and thus allow the baby to come out more comfortably. .

Also slow down birth When the baby’s head and shoulder appear with the help of the medical staff, it helps reduce injuries to the perineal area.

3. Perineum massage

During the second stage of labor, a doctor may insert two wet fingers into the vagina and move each finger in a different direction, applying gentle downward pressure.

4. Birth in an upright position

A natural birth can be done without stitches as there are many birth positions that reduce vaginal tears, instead of lying in bed you can give birth in an upright and natural position should help you reach a safe, comfortable and secure position.

5. Cooperation from the medical team

Paying attention to your midwife and following her instructions about timing pushing and breathing helps the baby come out slowly and gently while avoiding any injuries.

Tips during pregnancy to avoid sewing

In addition to the natural birth method without suturing, there are also important steps that help avoid suturing during pregnancy, including:

1. Preparation of the pelvic floor

During pregnancy, it is recommended to prepare the pelvic floor using several techniques by learning how to relax the muscles of the pelvic area Pelvic floorand perineum massage.

2. Do perineum massage

Perineal massage, whether performed by a pregnant woman or assisted by her husband from week 34, reduces the risk of third and fourth degree tears in the perineum.

When to turn to sewing at birth?

Although the natural method of birth without sutures is practiced, it is often necessary when cutting the perineum, as the National Institutes of Health recommends it in cases such as: ,

  • The child is exposed to fetal distress that requires him to be born quickly.
  • The need to use forceps or a vacuum cleaner.
  • The danger to the rectal area when a spontaneous rupture occurs.
  • The baby is in a breech position at birth.
  • The delivery time was long and the mother was tired of pushing.
  • Does the mother suffer from health problems, such as: heart disease.

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