What are the symptoms of gas in babies?
Stomach gas is one of the common problems that babies suffer from, especially in the first stage of their lives, as a result of air entering the stomach or intestines, which causes a feeling of discomfort and in this article we will shed light on Symptoms of gas in babiesAnd how to deal with it to reduce it.
How does gas affect the baby?
As food moves through the digestive system, the small intestine absorbs usable nutrients, and bacteria in the large intestine break down leftover food, releasing hydrogen and carbon dioxide, creating bubbles of gas in the process.
Burping allows gases to leave the stomach first, and the rest passes from the large intestine to the anus, where it is mostly expelled through stools.
But when gas does not pass easily, it collects in the digestive system and causes bloating and discomfort, and this is increased in newborn children, as a result of the incomplete development of their digestive system, which causes the production of a lot of gas, which is normal at this stage, especially that babies take in a lot of air in time feeding and crying, which increases gas. (2) (3)
Read more: Gastrointestinal disorders in children
Symptoms of gas in babies
Some babies can suffer from simple gas in the stomach, in this case, the symptoms are mild and do not last for a long time, and severe gas, can cause a variety of symptoms and last for a long time. include Symptoms of gas in babies the following:
- A baby cries and is irritable for a long time: the child may suffer from crying and irritability for an hour or more, and this is one of the most prominent symptoms of gas in the stomach in babies, since the child’s digestive system is small and incomplete, which causes him to be unable to digest normally, or he can gas caused by Swallowing air during feeding, especially in the case of nursing.
- Redness in the child’s face while crying: this indicates that the child is in severe pain that he cannot express, but signs of pain appear on his face as they become redder.
- Refusal of a child to eat: Refusal of a child to take milk may be one of the causes Symptoms of gas in babiesBecause he feels pain and expresses it by refusing to eat, and eating milk increases his feeling of pain, so he may take part of the milk and then abstain from it, and this can affect the presence of a serious indigestion in the child.
- A baby does not sleep well: also m Symptoms of gas in newborns This is the inability to sleep well, especially since newborns sleep for long periods in the first stage of life, but the feeling of pain and disturbances in the stomach may lead to the child not sleeping enough, and he may wake up for short periods during the day. .
- The child bends his legs upwards: when the child feels pain in his stomach as a result of the gas, he twists in an attempt to express the pain, and pulls his legs up to his chest. Signs of baby colicEspecially during episodes of intense pain, such as crying.
- Abdominal sound and gas: m Symptoms of gas in a newborn It is about the presence of unusual sounds in the child’s stomach, as well as the exit of some gases from it, accompanied by loud crying during its exit, and the mother can hear these sounds and distinguish them in the child.
- Calmness of the child when trying to relieve gas: when the mother starts Reducing gas in the childBy practicing some techniques that help pass gas, the child can relax and show some relief, and indulge in the practice of these techniques by the mother because they make him feel comfortable after the pain. (One. Two. Three)
Also read: New solutions for the treatment of colic in babies
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Relief of gas symptoms in babies
can make it easier Symptoms of gas in babies Using the following techniques:
- Placing the child on his stomach: this position helps to remove gases from the child’s stomach easily and thus relieves the symptoms, and the child can be carried on his stomach while walking to calm him down.
- Abdominal massage: one of the best ways Gas treatment in babies This is a procedure of massaging the child’s abdomen in continuous circular movements, while working to lift the child’s legs up from time to time, as well as moving the legs in a circular manner, this helps to remove gas from the baby’s stomach.
- Giving gas relief to a child: a medicine that contains a substance simethicone he The best treatment for gas in babiesIt is safe for children at this stage and helps with pain relief, but a doctor should be consulted about the appropriate dosage according to the child’s age. (1) (2) (3) (4)
More: Safe medicines for babies without consulting a doctor
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