When does the pregnancy hormone appear after the egg is implanted?
Find out the answer to the question “When does the pregnancy hormone appear after the egg is implanted?” in the next article.
When does the pregnancy hormone appear after the egg is implanted?
The answer to the question “When does the pregnancy hormone appear after the egg is implanted?” In implantation, it is a process in which the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall, and then moves down towards the uterus, where it penetrates the uterine wall when the implantation occurs, and the implantation process takes about 8-10 days after the end of the implantation. ovulation.
After a successful implantation, the cells in the developing placenta release the pregnancy hormone that helps the body prepare for pregnancy, this is the hormone that is detected in a pregnancy test and it may be necessary to avoid or limit strenuous activity to prevent implantation failure during the implantation. This time, and at this stage you can feel that some of them also have signs of pregnancy.
If you get a positive result Pregnancy Test, you know that the implantation process happened since your body started producing the hCG and the test detected this hormone, but if you took a pregnancy test before the implantation happened, the test will tell you that you are not pregnant, even if you have already conceived; Because the pregnancy hormone is not yet produced in the body or is present in such a small amount that the test cannot detect it.
What is the implantation time of the egg?
After knowing the answer to the question “When does the pregnancy hormone appear after the egg is implanted?” It is important to know this when exercising intercourse Without contraception at any time from about five days before ovulation to 24 hours after ovulation, pregnancy may occur, and after conception the process of conception still takes several days; Because the fertilized egg (known today as a blastocyst) has just begun its long journey.
The fertilized egg must travel from the fallopian tube to the uterus for implantation to take place. When the egg makes this journey, the egg grows in size, divides and multiplies.
A type of tissue called a trophoblast develops and surrounds the fertilized egg, helping to implant the blastocyst once it reaches the uterus where the trophoblast begins to make its way to the endometrium. the wombThen the trophoblast actually pulls the egg into the uterine wall, then directs blood to the fertilized egg.
The implantation takes place about nine days after ovulation. About 25% of women experience implantation bleeding, when the pregnancy officially begins.
What are the signs of a successful implantation of the egg in the uterus?
After knowing the answer to the question “When does the pregnancy hormone appear after the egg is implanted?” Learn about the signs of a successful implantation of the egg in the following sections:
- Egg implantation bleeding.
- Cramps.
- chest pain;
- increased body temperature.
- Frequent urination.
- lack The menstrual cycle.
A successful early implantation pregnancy can indicate light bleeding or bleeding that occurs 10 days after ovulation in some women, while others may experience mild implantation contractions due to the increase in progesterone levels after implantation, and some may feel a slight increase in body temperature. .