White urine: the most important information – Web Medicine

White urine: the most important information – Web Medicine

The normal color of urine ranges from pale yellow to dark amber depending on the urochrome pigment (OrochromeThe degree of dilution or concentration of the urine and the color of the urine can change depending on the compounds and colors in the foods or medications taken, or due to a health condition, so what does white urine known as cloudy urine indicate?

What is meant by white urine?

White urine is medically known as cloudy or turbid urine, and this means that the urine appears milky in color that is not clear or appears in a cloudy white to light yellow color, and is usually harmless, but its appearance can often indicate an underlying. medical condition.,

What are the reasons for its appearance?

There are many reasons for the appearance of white urine, and these are the most prominent:

1. High alkalinity in urine

The most common cause of white urine is high urine alkalinity, urine is composed of water, salts and kidney waste, and the balance of these components affects urine alkalinity or acidity.

Normal levels of acid-base in urine range from 4.5 – 8 pH, urine with a pH of less than 5 is acidic and above 8 is basic, and high alkalinity causes urine to become cloudy and appear white.

The alkalinity of the urine is increased as a result of a specific diet based on fruits and vegetables only and limited consumption of cheese, meat and grains.

2. Urinary tract infections

UTIs occur when bacteria enter the kidneys, bladder, or urethra, and will cause urine to become cloudy and appear milky white or sometimes cloudy, in addition to other symptoms, most notably:

  • Pain and burning when urinating.
  • You have to pee more than usual.
  • Urine leakage;
  • Foul-smelling urine or bloody urine.

3. Kidney stones

Kidney stones are crystals of minerals and salts found in the urine, so white or cloudy urine appears if small stones break up and come out, or the urine comes out bloody, pink, red or brown.

4. Venereal diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases are viral or bacterial infections that a person receives from their partner during sexual intercourse. Certain types of infections, such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, cause a milky discharge from the penis or vagina, making the urine white.

5. Back ejaculation

Retrograde ejaculation is a condition where the sperm returns to the bladder with orgasm, so urine appears white immediately after orgasm because it contains sperm.

This condition occurs when the muscle at the opening of the bladder does not close tightly, and this may be due to diabetes, multiple sclerosis or taking certain medications.,

6. Calories

A condition in which lymph fluid leaks into the kidneys, turning urine milky white, usually associated with parasitic infection, congenital lymphatic disorders, tumors, trauma, or other causes.

7. Other reasons

Other common causes of white urine include:

  • vaginitis.
  • Prostatitis.
  • Vaginal discharge.
  • Consumption of large amounts of phosphorus.

How is the diagnosis made?

The doctor diagnoses the cause of the white urine by asking the patient several questions about the symptoms and their duration, then performs a physical examination and orders several tests, including:

  1. Urine Test.
  2. Blood Test.
  3. Cystoscopy.
  4. CT scan or ultrasound.

What are the treatment methods?

The treatment mainly depends on the cause of the condition, and can be as follows:

  • Take vitamin C to reduce the alkalinity of the urine in cases of high alkalinity.
  • Drink plenty of water and fluids.
  • Eat a healthy balanced diet.
  • Take antibiotics to treat any bacterial infection or antivirals to treat a viral infection.
  • Take medication to keep the bladder closed in cases of retrograde ejaculation.
  • Embolization of the source of lymph fluid leakage in the case of chyluria.

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