Is malt drink dangerous for pregnant women? What are its benefits for the kidneys?
Is malt drink dangerous for pregnant women? What are its benefits for the kidneys? Barley has been known for thousands of years, and it is considered one…

Hemorrhoid surgery, is it really effective and how dangerous is it?
Hemorrhoid surgery, is it really effective and how dangerous is it? Internal and external hemorrhoids cause many disturbing symptoms for the patient, and in some cases the…

Is swelling of the testicle dangerous? What are the treatment methods?
Is swelling of the testicle dangerous? What are the treatment methods? Happens Swelling of the testicles or swelling of the testicles For many reasons, including injury, bruising,…

Is high milk hormone dangerous? And what are his symptoms?
Is high milk hormone dangerous? And what are his symptoms? It is considered a prolactin hormone, or better known called prolactin One of the hormones of the…

Is high milk hormone dangerous? And what are his symptoms?
Is high milk hormone dangerous? And what are his symptoms? It is considered a prolactin hormone, or better known called prolactin One of the hormones of the…