Symptoms of depression and its psychological and physical signs
Symptoms of depression and its psychological and physical signs Depression is a medical condition in which sadness and depression dominate a person to such an extent that…

What are the symptoms of a cold in babies?
What are the symptoms of a cold in babies? The common cold is a common respiratory disease in children, and it can appear at any age, whether…

Is high milk hormone dangerous? And what are his symptoms?
Is high milk hormone dangerous? And what are his symptoms? It is considered a prolactin hormone, or better known called prolactin One of the hormones of the…

Is high milk hormone dangerous? And what are his symptoms?
Is high milk hormone dangerous? And what are his symptoms? It is considered a prolactin hormone, or better known called prolactin One of the hormones of the…

Symptoms indicating lactose intolerance
Symptoms indicating lactose intolerance The most important information about the symptoms of lactose intolerance include the following: Symptoms of lactose intolerance Lactose intolerance is a common health…

Symptoms of uterine prolapse: the following are the most prominent
Symptoms of uterine prolapse: the following are the most prominent Uterine prolapse and prolapse may occur when the muscles and tissues in the pelvis weaken. The weakness…