The cause of yellow discharge from the vagina medical
The cause of yellow discharge from the vagina medical The vagina emits many fluids of different colors and textures, called Vaginal dischargeWomen closely monitor these secretions and…

The cause of yellow discharge from the vagina during pregnancy
The cause of yellow discharge from the vagina during pregnancy The pregnant woman carefully monitors all the changes that occur in her, since any change can affect…

What is the cause of excessive discharge from the vagina?
What is the cause of excessive discharge from the vagina? represent Vaginal discharge A sign and indicator of the health of the female reproductive system, it ensures…

Green vaginal discharge with itching and smell
Green vaginal discharge with itching and smell diverse Vaginal discharge It varies according to its proximity or distance from the date of menstruation, and the different situations…

Discharge after menstruation, what does it mean?
Discharge after menstruation, what does it mean? do not stop Vaginal discharge Throughout the month they are part of the natural defense system of the reproductive system…

Causes vaginal discharge with blood
Causes vaginal discharge with blood Women used to see menstrual blood several days a month throughout their fertile years, and this is one of the usual things…

Heavy white discharge before menstruation
Heavy white discharge before menstruation considered as Vaginal discharge The body’s way of protecting the vagina and keeping it moist, in addition to getting rid of dead…